How To Cure Food Poisoning Fast!

Food that has gone bad or been contaminated by toxins, bacteria, or parasites can cause food poisoning, otherwise known as food-borne illness. And it ain't pretty! We've all been there, having eaten something we often knew wasn't a good idea or been surprised by food that was improperly prepared or stored. Picnics and food buffets are often at fault; when foods are kept above or below safe temperatures for several hours, pathogenic bacteria and viruses can grow to infectious or toxic levels. Meat and poultry are common sources, but so is water - especially if you've traveled somewhere new. So what do you do if you think you're in the early stages of food poisoning? Fortunately, there are fast-acting home remedies in your cupboard that can stop a bout of food poisoning in its tracks!
But first, what exactly are the symptoms for food poisoning? Well, they can be obvious (vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea) and occur within an hour or two after eating; however, the effects of a food borne disease can also be more subtle such as a fever or abdominal cramping and pain. In mild cases, food poisoning will resolve on its own. On the other hand if you see lasting or more significant symptoms such as blood in your vomit or diarrhea, see a doctor.
Find a Natural Cure for Food Poisoning
Hands down, the most popular home cure for food poisoning is apple cider vinegar (ACV). Pathogens such as salmonella are very sensitive to acids1, so ACV helps there, as does its natural antibiotic qualities. Will any old vinegar do as well? Possibly, but it's a questionable time to take the risk, no? Still, use what's on hand for fastest relief! Also, some have found relief from food poisoning symptoms in the toxin-absorbing qualities of activated charcoal.

1 comment:

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